Full of Blah Blah Blah and No Results

Today I listened to my mother's voice in my head -- All Forward Movement is Good Movement -- and ended up walking most of my distance, because

* Shin Splints the sequel: 2 Shins 2 Furious
* my legs must have gained at least 300 pounds of muscle
* I have a weensy cold that has made breathing interesting
* the weather tricked me with its mildness and I got too hot

...you know, for reasons.

This past weekend I did some serious research into signing up for some 5Ks in the spring;
I had hoped the potential new training goals would increase my motivation, but it seems they may be having the opposite effect.  Specific dates and achievable distances have made my anxiety spike a little bit, and I haven't even registered yet!

in the immortal words of Kyle Dunnigan

Any good news today?  Yes.  My shoes are still AWESOME.  Every single run ends with me marveling that my feet hurt least of any part of my body.  I love them and I wish that I could give them presents, but alas, they are inanimate.


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