Past Me Thinks Present Me is a Goddess

This week, as threatened, I have bumped up my default route to a 2.5 mile jaunt that leaves me sore the next morning without bruising my soul in the meantime... am I doing this right?

I ask because I took the liberty of mapping an idea, a suggestion, the barest whiff of a seven-mile route -- just to see what it looks like, teehee -- and holy cannoli, does it ever seem physically impossible. 
Time? Yes, I have it. BUT

Seven miles. Somehow it seems even more daunting now, with some experience under my belt, than it did when I wouldn't entertain such a laughable notion.

...time to lie down in the fetal position and question all my life choices?
NOPE!  Time for a recap!
* Two running days
* Total distance: 3.0 miles
* Average distance: 1.5 miles
* Thirteen running days
* Total distance: 21.0 miles
* Average distance: 1.6 miles


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